The Workshop will showcase and discuss fisheries issues under the Theme "Investing in Blue Economic Growth", and will raise public awareness and support for the value, hence, the need for sustainable management of the region's fishing industry.
Fishing with Data: Building Partnership for data and Information in Fisheries Management
Fishing with Data: Whats the Catch (Video)
Fishing with Data: The Information Net (Video)
Fishing with Data: Best Practices (Video)
The CARICOM Common Fisheries Policy and the S.A.M.O.A. Pathway: Connecting the Dots. Issue Paper #5 2014
Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Management Plan: A Private Sector Brief
Sub-Regional Fisheries Management Plan of the Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean (Brochure)
Sub-Regional Fisheries Management Plan for Flyingfish in the EC
Efforts Implemented to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in the Caribbean. Issue Paper #6 2014
Sargassum Seaweed Invasion: What, Why and What can we do? (Brochure)
Sargassum Seaweed Invasion: What, Why and What can we do? (Communication Brief)
Value Chain Approaches in Fisheries Planning -
Opportunities and Challenges for Trade in Fish and Seafood. Issue Paper #4 2014
Lionfish Control and the Private Sector (Brochure)
Action Plan for Climate Change in the Fishing Industry (Brochure)
Draft Agreement on the Conservation Management and Sustainable Use of the Caribbean Spny Lobster (Panulirus Argus)
Study on the Potential of Fish Farming in the Caribbean
Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy
Aquaculture: An Opportunity for Economic Growth in the Caribbean (Newsletter)
What you need to know about Aquaculture! (Brochure)
NGO Petition could end Caribbean Conch Expert to the US (Newsletter)
Caribbean Nations look to Regional Agreement on Lobster (Newsletter)
SPS Project - Description of the Action
SPS Project - Year 1 Plan of Action and Budget
SPS Project - Year 1 Plan of Action and Implementation Schedule
Petition to List the Nassau Grouper as Threatened or Endangered under the ESA
PowerPoint Presentation: Sustainable use, conservation and management of fisheries resources: Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish & Nassau Grouper
Aquaculture Review and Plan of Action - Lessons Learned and Recommendations
Terms of Reference for Blue Growth Consultant - Nassau Grouper Management Position Paper
Workshop on Investing in Blue Growth - Working Group Report Template